Entries from 2023-06-01 to 1 month
If I recall correctly, if four or more paths meet in a garden then the game will place a large garden ornament, a sphere on a pedestal, at the intersection. In this first view the game hasn't added any props or windows to the buildings. De…
Somewhere at the bottom of this mess one can spot the original game default town.... I suspect the noodle-like mess above was added after the town and the bottom floater were constructed. The town at the bottom surprising doesn't have any …
This one features a large covered over floating town with a town underneath that has been built up to the maximum size. Looking up from sea level. An up tight look at one of the towers with a pulley and hook. The red and yellow buildings i…
First off, here is the town as I had left it in my archives.... I've turned on the grid but it isn't aligned visually with the town floating above it. I added a tracing of the outside perimeter of the floating town on the grid. I then adde…
Today's entry features a sandwich like town opened up to reveal three floating structures. Had a bit of fun topping off the top layer with a castle-like structure.... A look at what's underneath. Pathways in the garden. Plenty of arches do…
This town simply has had a colour change applied to parts of it.... One odd ball situation I encountered withing the game; towns which I deleted would reappear when I restarted the game after shutting down. I tracked down the folder where …
The following town has the appearance of single grand structure; plenty of arches, a ceiling uncluttered by black beams, and a lattice style covering that lets in light. A view of the central area and a few feathered visitors.... A viewpoi…
The previous two entries sport rings of floating towns but if my memory serves me well they probably weren't the first successful attempts I took at making such structures. In all likelihood, this or the following entry were the first ones…
It took a few good looks to spot the difference between this one and the previous one. Having spotted the difference I think there is a possibility this town was built before the one posted yesterday; I probably corrected the colour differ…
...Being a series on Townscaper projects I've undertaken over the years... ** Town 0 ** The game starts you off with a small town consisting of two buildings; one red and one yellow. It's wedge shaped and features a staircase down to water…