Paddler with No Water (Blog II)

Ex-paddler and ex-pat Canuck currently living in Japan. This blog is a continuation of a similarly named blog I have on another blog platform.

A Wee Bit of Snow

After a virturally snowless winter last year, I've been looking forward to a return to more "normal" levels of snow this year.  It seems for at least a short while those hopes have been fulfilled.  The weather forecast for this week calls for snow until the weekend.  After a two day spell there's another day with a forecast of snow.


So we went from wet snow mixed with rain on Monday...

f:id:dtkcanuck:20201216113129j:plain a fair bit more 24 hours later...

f:id:dtkcanuck:20201216113207j:plain even more that Tuesday evening...



...and then this morning.....



In comparison, in Tendo, on Tuesday around noon, they just had a light dusting of snow....

