The project started off as yet another attempt to build a floating town. Yet, I couldn't manage to build one. In the end I had a bunch of loops and lines held up by girders. I attempted to add some visual appeal by colour coding the blocks at intersections; red at six point intersections, bright green at five point intersections, and purple at three point intersections. I then mirrored those coloured blocks on the surface as red six story towers, green five story towers, and purple three story towers. I then added a ring of white blocks one level above the surface that demarcated where the outside limits of the region were (that area was expanded with an update to the game but I chose not to spread out the town).
This screen shot is not of the original project. It is an impression of it. The original was obliterated in a series of deconstructions and rebuilds.
The two red towers with white bands are the starting points of a project that eventually lead to a sixteen deck tower that took a good five to ten minutes for the game to load.
Things look a bit busier at this angle.
Not sure why but I chose to have everything standing on girders.
Here you can spot a hatch at the head of ladder. After all there has to be some way to get into at least one of buildings.
Another one of those odd views of the interior of a building.
And of course there are birds lounging around.